Wednesday, May 13, 2009

sheRoXX Giveway

CONGRATS to Miss Roxy who has 100+ followers and to celebrate, she's doing a giveaway!

1. MUST be following her blog!
2. Write a post in your blog about her giveaway linking back to the post!
3. Leave her a comment with your post on her post!
4. You will be entered twice if you are also subscribed to her feed!
5. Winners will be randomly picked.
6. Contest ends midnight May 19, 2009
go to to enter!


  1. thanks for entering! =] good luck!

  2. Yeah those tv commercial are always so tricky...

    Where in the cities are you reside in? Does your family live in wausau now?

    My husband and I are originally from mpls..we just moved to wausau recently for our jobs in September. We work in the area by pho 76 and where all the hmong OG's always hang out. lol Let me know when you are in town again or you can always come visit me at work since hmong people always come to that place for pho and grocery... lol

  3. Awesome woman's blog, have a nice day.

  4. No, my husband and I don't have any immediate family that lived in Wausau. We don't even know anybody...Just us two living in a town where we know nobody...very sad... ;( hahah

    Yeah next time when you do drop in town, come visit me in my office if on weekday otherwise we can always hang out... I love meeting new people and especially people with the same interests as me.. Its good to share.... hahaha
